Gods’ Textbook

The original bible, Gods’ textbook, may have been this…

“The Inner Workings of The Quantum Universe and Knowledge of Miracle Performance Within the Confines of a Carbon Based Life Form Limited to Four Measurable Dimensions in the Space-time Continuum and Added Dimensional Assets Controlled and Governed by Quantum Fluctuations of Calabi-Yau Shapes as they Relate to String Theory and the Relevant Spiritual and Psychosocial Issues which are Presented by the Evolution of Lower Forms of Knowledge as they Acquire Higher Intelligence and Awareness of the Infinite”

-Author: GOD

I have no idea what that means.

Do you?

Didn’t think so.

What makes us think we know anything?



Consider this: Yesterday… bacon was considered health food. Cigarettes were good for asthma. Unshielded X-ray machines were in shoe stores. Lobotomies were a miracle cure for mental illness. Heroin was prescribed to kids as cough medicine. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes would keep you from masturbating and the list goes on.

Humans are arrogant. We believe we are smarter than we are.

We delude ourselves too easily, trust too easily, become arrogant (did you notice that I really like that word) and prideful too easily, and in general do dumb things to make ourselves feel better.

Multiply by Infinity

Think about how much you know today that you didn’t know three years ago… Now multiply that by infinity and you’ll see the vast difference between what humans know and what is knowable.

We are babies.

We are far from omniscient and definitely not omnipotent but we crave control over something in our lives, even if it is only an illusion, to make us feel better, safer, and not so fragile and vulnerable.

Maybe that’s why our ancestors created God. 

Perhaps God was the heroin and methamphetamine for our grandparents and their grandparents. He was the great vending machine in the sky. He was the ultimate protector. He was also useful for politicians and popes to control the behavior of the masses.

But does the fact that humans have used The Bible for their own selfish desires prove His absence?


Maybe not…

Maybe He just provided us with a book we could understand instead of the textbook cited above. 

Maybe The Bible is a collection of allegorical stories that contain endless meanings as they are contemplated and integrated into a psyche. Maybe there are warnings and directions that would prevent us from needing to seek out the fentanyl or the alcohol or the tobacco or even simply ideas that coerce and control our own wills when we invite them in. 

Maybe God knows everything and we don’t.

Maybe it’s something worth thinking about rather than dismissing… because you already know everything. Right?

But what do I know… I’m just a dummygod.

A Dummygod on his hero's journey, seeking truth in the words of classical thinkers, trying to help boys to create a vision for their lives so they can call themselves "men", and contemplating the meaning of the universe.

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