About Me

theidiotdeity is a labor of angst and despair. It is, at once, exhilarating and exhausting to plow through the odious language of the classics to finally find the needle in the haystack, the kernel of truth that you have been searching for.

If your desire is to know truth then welcome to the challenge.

In thirty years as a paramedic wading through the broken world between life and death I learned, the hard way, that life has no guarantees, that it is precious… but even death can be inspirational. Working on a daily basis with the other side of the veil gives one a unique outlook on the dance that the corporeal and the spiritual perform. Those who know death well can speak from a level of awareness that those who have not befriended, or at least accepted, the finality of life cannot.

But seeing death is a much different proposition from understanding and accepting it. Many of us who know the darkness succumb to it. We suffer from the guilt that comes from playing God. We believe when we begin our careers that we have the ability to save lives. This isn’t true. It is a lie. Life and death do not care about the attempts of mere humans to pretend they are capable of saving one another. The role of doctors, paramedics, and nurses is reduced to simple acts of compassion. No man has the power to reverse mortality. In the end the only course of action that is tenable to sanity is to accept the reality that life succumbs to death in every case.

Dealing with this nearly unbearable conclusion has led me to a pursuit of wisdom but there is so much to learn. The great thinkers of old, from ancient times and centuries not so long ago, have provided solace and understanding throughout my career. Learning to walk with one foot in each world is a tightrope act. It is a skill that allows one to accept the end of life but act as though there is no end. I am a seeker as I’m sure you are if you have found this page.

Follow along and lets explore the wisdom that has always been available to those who ask and seek.